I think it's safe to say that anyone that is crazy enough to actually read my blog posts has some interest in games and probably has a hand full of all time favorites if not a list of what they're currently playing. I would say that a portion of my "job" as I attempt to independently create games is to play the games that are out there... you know, as strictly research of course. While I'd like to be able to say that I have a firm grasp on the newest hot and upcoming games, I must admit that I often shop the bargain bin and usually stick with the games that seem appealing to me. But that leaves a HUGE gap of gamers that don't play the way I do.
This gap leads me to beg the question: What games do you play? This question is in part an opportunity to help direct the next project that I'm planning. It's slated for a much larger venue than the current line up. I'm looking at a title to be multi-platform spread across the XBOX 360 downloadable marketplace, the new Windows Phone 7, and of course the PC. The initial concept is to be a platformer, but there are a couple directions on the burner that I'd love to take it. Granted what I play often influences the way that I design and some of the features that I would love to add to my games. So as of late, here is what I've been playing:
- Fable 2 & 3 (XBOX360)
- Kinect Adventures (XBOX360)
- Halo 3 (XBOX360)
- Final Fantasy XIII (PS3)
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)
- Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
And just for unwinding and otherwise just messing around
- Guitar Hero 5 (PS3)
No doubt there are others that I enjoy and love to play on occasion, but this would be my most recent 3-4 month frequently played titles. If you have a game that you think is a total blast comment on it here. I can't promise that I'll use all or even some of its elements in the next game that I set out to build, but I could promise a copy of our yet to be released, still in production, first title. Comment back and when its ready to go gold I'll send a link to the file download. As always, happy gaming!
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